1. It was quite amazing, amidst so much “GONDOGOL” political rallies by the two major parties, 70 foreign visitors came to join the Summit (ICT Division man told me 200). The Big hall was completely filled up. It seemed Bangladesh is a good destination for foreign investment/ investors, despite the fact that ‘Sanction’ game is at play.
2. We had an assignment to ensure close protection to some “Ultra High Net Worth Individual” ( UHNWI ) coming from a South-East County to join the Summit. Beside our close protection Agents, two highly trained & skilled agents accompanied the ‘UHNWI’ guests from abroad.
3. To oversee the arrangements, when I reached the venue, I was ushered by two of our super Executive Protection Officers (EPO) to the Hall. Because of their stern look & hard composure, I drew lot of attention of both the local & the foreign visitors. Wearing my deep black goggles ( The invisible man) I enjoyed being escorted in style. These days I do not feel much shy or hesitant to show off little bit in public with a hidden agenda for implementation in the year 2071.
I am a bloody “Challuoe“ guy using social media in full throttle to promote myself at no cost.

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