1. I was born in Mymensigh between the years, 1949-50-51. It’s all puzzle and confusion created intentionally by our parents out of love & affection only – most of you know why is this jugglery , in this part of the world.
2. In a two (2) days odyssey, I had been to many places in Chittagong, where I spent a big Chunk of my life. Because of my father’s posting, we landed in Chittagong perhaps in the year 1954. My first schooling started in the year 1956 in the PT Institute (Primary Education/Schooling) On 24 th (July)morning, when I visited the school I saw it was all buildings and concrete structures. 60 + years back it was all but Tin Sheds.
3. I particularly went to class – 1 and spent sometime with the Tiny Tots – the Lilliputians. From the photos, I could not imagine that I was so small , so little compared to “So Huge so Large so Tall” now, sitting amidst them. It was great fun, surely boys & the girls did not understand, what I said to them about my childhood in the very school – except that they felt euphoric to see me doing everything like them in a lesson/class the teacher told was “Awareness” lessons.
4. I love Parade, Drill & Salute & when I saluted them, raising/banging my feet- one or two started doing the same.
5. Moral of the story : These little ones could be nurtured & moulded to be best of the citizens in a country.
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