1. Today we intruded into the CCU to see ailing Colonel Mohammad Abdul Hoque (Retd). We took information before breaking into the Exclusive Zone. We were told that he will be shifted to the Cabin after a while.
2. The story behind his Double Stroke – both Brain & Heart. He was travelling in the Metro-Rail. After dropping at Metro Rail Uttara South Station he was walking out of the station alone. While he was about to leave the premises he found a boy aged 13/14 – harrassing two minor girls.
3. Colonel Mohammad Abdul Hoque saw the episode from a distance and approached the boy and asked him “What are you doing”. Colonel Mohammad Abdul Hoque tried to take a photograph of the boy. Sensing trouble, when the boy started running way from the spot – Colonel Mohammad Abdul Hoque (Retd) also started running to পাকড়াও him, out of breath, he did not succeed in catching the cuprit.
4. Thereafter – may be in minutes he felt a severe pain in the chest. Somehow, he walked home nearby. Thank Allah he was removed to the CMH with ‘Excruciating’ pain and fatigue. Rest of the story is known to all.
5. His sharp ‘Brain’ was not affected by the accident but he was found to be having 99% block in one of the heart’s vains / arteries. He is fine now after having one ‘Stenting’ by the grace of Allah.
6. We felt only happy & contented to see the ‘Braveheart’ in great sprit & in good shape. We made a small prayer for his full recovery.

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