(This an additional write up, accomplished by the R&D Wing of Elite Force – Interesting read)
1. Elite Force entered into 24th years of it’s birth on 11th November 2023 . Beginning with 7 guards we now have 20000 + – personnel in our company working all over Bangladesh. We are the largest interms of ‘Volume’ in size. We have the strongest Management Team to administer & execute our services. Our characteristics – we are the “Quickest in Response”. That’s why our total strength has surpassed today 22,000 + with more than 3000 + customers.
2. We are operating in all the 64 districts of the country, ensuring Security Services to both high & low end clientele groups. We can deploy any number of guards around the country with in the shortest possible time. The same goes for securing Helipads anywhere in the country, which is gaining some momentum in the country.
3. Our outstanding features are the most formidable infrastructures that we have built over the years, solely dedicated towards security services. This includes our 7 Storied semi digital Corporate Headquarters in the Baridhara Diplomatic Zone. This is a ‘Unique’ building having all the gadgets, fittings, equipment & facilities to accomplish most difficult security problems & issues. One US Army retired Colonel visiting the HQs sometime in 2017 termed it as “Mini Pentagon”
4. The CMC (Central Monitoring Centre) in the Headquarters is again an Outstanding & Unparalleled Monitoring Cell compared to anything like this possessed by 800 + security companies operating in the country. The Central Monitoring Centre and the 24 Service Centre & the SMS Alert Service – are actually the ’Hallmarks’ of ‘Efficiency & Expertise’ in the Industry. Hardly any Security Company in Bangladesh have such well equipped & well connected CMC to monitor their operations through out the country.
5. We have two huge Training Academies. The Academies located in the near vicinity of the Headquarters have elaborate facilities of accommodations & feeding arrangements for 150+ trainees. About three(3) years back we had hectic parleys with the Malaysian semi government agencies for recruitment of 40000 high profile security guards. In this regard we had to refurbish both the Academies. We increased the number of class rooms, hallrooms, accommodation & other facilities. But the project did not come through for change of Govt in Malaysia after their election and there after, because of the covid situation we remained ‘Undone’.
6. We would not however regret, because the facilities have become more or less to be termed as the ‘State of the Art’ facilities, to be derived great satisfaction out of the scheme, though did not materialise ! Recently we made a full fledged ‘Recruitment Centre’ & ‘ Learning Center’ located on the main Madani Avenue. Visitors who have been to these facilities have passed such remarks as Unparalleled, Awesome and Outstanding.
7. Our newly raised DOG Squad, having more than 50+ dogs is again one of the very best and only one of its kind in the whole region. The Dog Training Centre is a very useful addition to our establishments. Besides performing guarding, searching & sniffing, we have trained number of Dogs to entertain crowds in public places, parks & conventional centers. If you may like to see a spectacular Dog Show, please click : https://rb.gy/mgvetz
8. Our In House Learning Center, having a space of 3000+sqft lodged with in the Corporate Headquarters is fully equipped to hold seminars, meetings, workshops etc. In the recent past we have made our Training facilities available to train less fortunate working women folk on Self Defence: a project called ‘Attorokkha’ supported by the local Brazilian Embassy. Her Excellency the Ambassador was so impressed with the Curriculum that she came down to our Training Academy to distribute the Certificates to the delight of the participants.
9. Beside Guarding Services, we are one of the largest in the CIT (Cash in Transit) Van services. We are guarding 60% of the banking assets in the country. We have created employment opportunities for more than 1000 Gunman belonging to ex Armed Force services. We have been guarding 25 Embassies/High Commission. We secured these from another company, who had the monopoly of Guarding the Foreign Missions in Bangladesh.
10. We are securing some of the largest NGOS in the country. This includes giant ones like World Vision, Care Bangladesh, Plan International, Concern Worldwide and many others. The ‘Brac’ is the singularly the largest NGO in the world is also our client. Our noteable clients are Google, Facebook, Apple, Uber, Pinkerton, Krispy Kream, Citi Bank NA, Netflix,PriceWaterHouseCoopers, icddr’b, Metro Rail, USAID, International School Dhaka (ISD), IKEA, Telenor Health and hundreds of other foreign companies. We are also in the United Nation system. We are presently guarding maximum under construction Power Plants in the Country.
11. We are definitely the acclaimed “Industry Leader” in the Security Services Sector of Bangladesh. We are conventionally a guarding company. But by now & over the years we have become the most diverse company in the country. One has to ponder and ask, what is that we do not do in the vast world of ‘Private Security Service’. One of our tagline is “No Problem”.
12. We are always very eager & keen to hear any ‘Security Issues’ of our honourable customers and resolve these to the best of our ability. We have grown interest in Conflict Resolutions & Pacification operations. We receive lot of critical as well as interesting queries from public/private people and we have qualified teams to respond to these peculiar queries and resolve to the satisfaction of the clients.
13. As mentioned earlier we are known as a prolific ‘Trouble Shooter’ Company, having performed lot of critical operations in the last 24years. We guard Ocean going Vessels, Tugs & Barges in the High seas fighting the robbers and pirates. Remote Area Operations like Guarding 17 miles LBC conveying clinkers from India to Bangladesh is our pride as no other security companies are engaged in such operations in the border areas between two countries.
14. We would like to share some of our stories ie ‘Out of the Box’ type operations that we conducted in the previous years.
a. This includes saving a French Engineer who was driving from Sylhet to Dhaka. Enroute he hit a minor girl who died & and the Engieer ran away from the spot to save himself from the wrath of the public. We took over the situation to visit the spot and conducted a Pacification / Reconciliation operation having long parleys & negotiations with the parents, police, advocates and the public representatives. The issues were resolved at the satisfaction of all concerned.
b. In another episode we cooked meals for inmates in a Guest House for 3/4 days, when the cook stopped cooking in protest of being slapped by one of the guest. The situation stabilised & we withdrew.
c. In another incident we safely passed all the obstacles and local hassles to exit out one locomotive belonging to a French Company, which had to go from North Bengal to Chittagong Port & then to Merceilles a French Port. The normal exit time would have taken 3 months, but we cleared it in 11 days, earning great satisfaction of the client.
d. In the recent development we won a prestigious / sensitive assignment of checking Airlines crews on their arrival to deter them from bringing gold, jewelries and other restricted item hidden in the Body.
e. Last year we did an ‘Incredible and Unbelievable’ and most ‘Unconventional’ job for an expatriate client. On his return back after arrival at the Airport, the gentlemen wanted to change his flight from Turkish Airlines to Emirates as he was uncomfortable with the time schedule of the Airlines. Our Protection Agents liaised with the Civil Aviation Authorities & unloaded the luggages from the Turkish Aircraft & transferred it to the Emirates Air Craft. An ‘Impossible’ job was turned into ‘Possible’ – with high applaud from the beleaguered traveler !
f. We have had good experiences of infiltration & penetration by our covert security personnels (Male- Female) to enter through the main access / gate of Bank Branches and collect relevant information for their higher authorities.
g. During the civil disturbances (Election 2014) we had to do many escorting trips for vehicles with consignment for our clients from Chittagong to Dhaka, Shylhet & elsewhere in the country.
h. Working in Matarbari-Moheshkhali Power Hub, we gained experience in providing armed guard on board the dredging ships belonging to Japanese Companies. Earlier we provided gunman to Dredging vessels from a company by the name Jan De Nul (Netherlands) in the Bay of Bengal. They came and anchored in the Deep Sea in connection with LNT Power Plant / Our boys lived in the rough sea for month together and adjusted themselves to work with relentless spirit.
i. Our personnel also gained tough experiences in guarding services, exposed to heat, rain, humid & hazardous conditions during the laying of the Pipelines in the coastal areas of Cox’s Bazar – Chittagong by a Chinese Company. We had also been guarding Ship breaking yards in Chittagong sea beech areas.
j. Over the year we have also gained lot of experiences in the Pacification – Reconciliation Operations in “Work Place Disturbances’ Our special teams composed of better groomed (Intelligence/IQ) polished personnel did wonderful job of resolving disputes/conflicts on behalf of the clients with their work force (Officers, Staffs, Labours) Some of the clients were Accenture, Grameenphone, Robi, Airtel, Target, Grameen Euglena, Banglalink, Warid Telecoms, Avery Dennison and few others.
k. We also have well trained personnel to perform adequately in specialised hospitals to the satisfaction of hospitals authorities eg Apollo Hospital, Evercare, Japan East West Medical College Hospital, Labaid Cancer Hospital, icddr,b etc.
l. Netflix while filming their movie “Extraction” hired our guards for securing their sites and for Personal Protection in old Dhaka for 15 days. It was very difficult to control inquisitive onlookers/ mobs/ crowd in a highly populated city – but we did our best and accomplished filming in the target time.
m. We occupied the premises of a foreign bank in the dead of the night, so quietly and discreetly that in the morning the dissident group was unable to make entry in the bank and they went back unsuccessful.
But afterwards we also participated in coming to an amicable solution.
n. “বাংলার পানিকে পোকা মাকড় এমনকি হাঙ্গরের কবল থেকে মুক্ত রাখিব”
(1.) The latest ‘Sea – Faring’ operations by the brave boys of ‘Elite Force’ should be shared with our countless of admirers. The Operations needed deployment of a ‘9 Man Team’ from Elite Force-mostly ferocious looking village swimmers to remain ready to dive into the deep of the Bay of Bengal to ward off pirates & robbers.
(2.) The Contingent was assigned to take over escorting of 3 Barges & Tugs loaded with bridging materials coming from Singapore ( Tug Boats ) – Myanmar( Barges ). After anchoring for a short while in Kutubdia, they were heading towards Jamuna Bridge to offload the materials at the constructions site managed by a Japanese Company.
(3.) Our boys did a ‘Wonderful’ job- That’s what was expressed by the Bangladeshi Shipping Agent, who employed us to do the Mission. Indeed there were lot of cooperation & coordination required to achieve excellence in the delivery of the services.
(4.) Because of our earlier experiences of fighting the ‘Somalian Pirates’ in the sea (In Good Humour) we won the contract easily.
(5.) Definitely we are the most Versatile, Diverse & Unique Private Security Company in Bangladesh today, capable of executing all these highly critical, sensitive & perilous operations. But such contracts are not often forthcoming
15. After the Holey Artisan Attack in July 2016, we formed two Emergency Response Units (ERU 1 & 2) to respond to the emergency calls of our customers. We introduced ‘Quick Response Teams’ & conducted few emergency evacuations, truly unthinkable by any security company in the whole region. We are also capable of making Human Shield/ Chain in-front of Buildings/ Head office with 200-300 people to offset agitation & civil disturbances. The same goes for mobilisation of 100+ Motorcycles at quick notice to be gathered at a place of disturbances etc. We have also added Ambulance Service to the ERU. (Emergency Response Unit)
16. As mentioned earlier Elite Force is really rich in Training with large grounds , aids etc. We conducted Defensive Driving Training two years back for an Embassy in Dhaka. The trainers from the world’s most reputed security company ‘Academy- Constellis’ traveled all the way from the USA to train six of our drivers.
17. We have also grown expertise in the Close / Executive Protection Services & Body Guard services. Most foreigners visiting our country, who needs personal protection are our regular clients. We provide them Armed Gunman, 24 Hours Vehicle Support, Airport Facilitation Services etc. We have our own fleet of vehicles, clean and shining. They are much preferred by our clients over the rentals cars.
18. Over the years we have also developed expertise in Investigation Services, Due Diligence, Screening, Verification services, Counterfeit, Brand Protection Services. We also investigate Death & Medical claims of major Insurance Companies.
19. We have also developed an IT Centre with Enterprise Resource Planning to be online 24 hours. We have set up a R & D wing, ID Card Cell producing & securing ID of our personnel. The R & D wing is capable of producing analytical reports on security matters in the country & in the Region. Opening of our R&D Centre has paid us great dividends. We are now regularly preparing high quality Country Situation Reports, Security & Vulnerability Assessment, Forecast & Intelligence Reports. We have a SMS Alert Centre sending Alerts and Breaking News to our clients regularly. The R & D wing did a fantastic service for nearly one year by taking out “ News Headlines” every morning during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
20. Elite Force is a very well known company in the country. We have membership of the AMCHAM (American Chamber of Commerce in Bangladesh), French & Spanish Chambers. Besides we are a pioneer member of the Bangladesh Professional Security Services Providers Association (BPSSPA). We also have collaborations with a number of international Security & Risk Mitigation companies. Two years back we undertook a massive assignment & completed the Security Risk & Vulnerable Assessment of the entire BRAC organization. This was done having formed a joint venture with a UK based consulting firm named Neil Young Associates (NYA International).
21. We have also grown affiliation & co-operation with numbers of international ‘Watch Dog’ organisations. We work in close collaboration with United States Department of Energy (DoE, USA) programme through their representative by the name PNNL (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory). The project involved us in protecting vulnerable radiological material located at civilian sites / medical colleges in Bangladesh. This is a highly sensitive & prestigious work for us. This is again supervised by the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission of Bangladesh.
22. All the big Events Management security is provided by us both in the metropolis & outside the metropolis. This includes securing AGMs, Mega Concerts, Sports Carnivals, Marriage Ceremonies and many other ceremonies & festivals.
23. We have also developed capabilities in Logistics, Cleaning & Auxiliary services to mainly support our mainstream security services. Many clients prefer such Combined / Integrated services for security reasons. We have recently refurbished our CIT & Gunman Division with garaging facilities for at least 70 vehicles.
24. You will be happy to know that Elite Force has a vast CSR programme. It might sound like we are doing our own publicity – but it is true that we feed Lunch every day to 150-200 street children in Dhaka City through an welfare organisation. They motivate the children to go to school. Beside, we have many other welfare schemes for the poor segment of our society. Examples incude Formation of Zakat & Donation Fund Running Schools, Orphanages, Madrassas, Friday Clinics (Recently we donated one Ambulance as well), Supporting Old Home, Computer Learning Center, Giving Award of Stipends to meritorious student, Donationing to Distressed & Medically Handicapped people, Distribution of Winter Clothings.
Every year we have an Unique Programme by the name “BUKEY BANGLADESH বুকে বাংলাদেশ” – Dedicated to the Freedom Fighters & the Intellectuals who sacrificed their lives for the Liberation of the country and there by dispensing an Independent state for the Bengali Nation.
What do we do ? We remove our ‘Name Tags’ from the chest of our Guards and replace it by a ‘Flag of Bangladesh’ and keep it installed there for the next three days. This is done once on the Independence Day- 26th March through to 28th March. And again on 16thDecember – The Victory Day, then up to 18th December.
The Guards of Elite Force feels immensely proud to “Host The National Flag” on their chest on these Auspicious Days. You may please view the programmes from 2015-2020. (6 Video Clips : Totaling 8 minutes).
26. We have been Sponsoring Sporting & Cultural Events. We Participate regularly in Community Development projects, Complimentary Traffic Control in mosques during Friday prayers & in the month of Ramadan & many other Welfare oriented schemes are our passion in a way much appreciated by the community people. Details of which are available at link lttps://goo.gl/EmnzcF.
27. Beside the above we also have elaborate welfare schemes in Elite Force for our security personnel, which includes advance pay, loans, stipend to meritorious wards of guards, donation to guards for marriage of their sons & daughters, free medical check-up, rewards etc. Recently we signed a contract with the Telenor Health (TH) to avail their new digital healthcare service (TONIC) for our guarding personnel. There are some excellent benefits in package & we have more than 10000 subscribers.
28. “Elite Force is indeed “Unique, Awesome & Unparallel” – these are the comments passed by the visitors when they find excellent entertainers amongst raw guards from remote villages singing all kinds of songs in English, Bengali & Hindi. They can put up the very best Lungi Dance, Can imitate Michael Jackson in original and what not. The Passing Out Dance of guards “Gangnam Style” becomes a high value ‘Acrobatic’ show when the guards throw up their ‘Hats’ towards the sky and marches away from the dais waving Goodbye to the Academy.
29. Before concluding a few words of ‘Appreciation’ must be expressed for the whole team of 22,000 + strong ‘Elite Force’ for their total dedication, devotion and untiring efforts. Something worth mentioning was the way they adjusted to the world of “New Normal” after the invasion of the dreadful Covid-19. Our boys & girls the ‘Front Line Fighters’ have been truly fighting the menace and withstanding all the odds in performing their jobs & assignments splendidly.
30. Having written so much about Elite Force, before finally concluding, it would not be fair if a few lines are not penned about the good things of the ‘Private Security Industry’. There are now 800 + – Private Security Services companies in the country, employing 8lac + – personnel. This means the sector has created significant employment opportunities for the rural youth in a country where employment opportunities are scarce.
31. The sector is mostly run the ex Defence, Police, BGB & Ansar personnels. And they run it extremely well. Can you imagine safe carrying of thousand of Crore of takas every day in the absence of the Security Companies. All the banks branches, thousands of ATMs are all totally dependent on the fleet of vehicles belonging to the security companies.
32. Beside guarding multifarious industrial units, garments, pharmaceuticals,power plants & NGOS, hundreds of other installations etc all the major & big Embassies & foreign missions are guarded by the personnel of the Security Companies including the US Embassy & most other embassies. Can you believe that the sector runs on its own budget, by its own resources unlike the Govt Law Enforcing Agency, who gets colossal amounts to run their Organanisations.
33. In the pleas of being export oriented enterprises, many industries, garments & other enterprises receives huge Incentives- but there is nothing for the poor guards of the security companies – The most exposed amongst the “Front Line Fighters”. Indeed the security companies are playing a very big role in supplementing the efforts of the regular Law Enforcing Agency in the country. But some how no one sings for us. We remain ‘Unsung – Unrecognised’. The most sad & horrific factor is the extreme low wages they receive for their work. Is it not “Incredible” to know that some big banks & telecoms operators pays as low as Tk 6000/00 for a whole month ? It is very pertinent and important that the Government takes good care of this sector and puts it under effective Regulatory Control to derive best of the results.
34. In conclusion, we wish wellbeing of our clients & we are committed to secure them to the best of our ability despite of some critical problems that we face regularly. This is our renewed pledge on stepping into the 25th year of business in the Private Security Services. We seek your blessings in our forward march. Thank you for your patience & understanding. Alhamdulliah for everything !

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