1. I met him in a food court at the local lunch time. Seeing him dressed like a Security Guard, I introduced myself as a Security Professional in my country Bangladesh.
2. Musa is from Sudan and has been staying in Australia for the last 15 years. His full family Father, Mother, Brothers & Sisters are also in Australia. Last year he went back to Sudan to get married.
3. He was very cordial & friendly when I told him that I do the similar Guarding job like him. I asked him about his job. He said he was quite happy & secured in Australia. He said he works in JB-HIFI from 9 to 5 PM and gets AUS $ 27.00 per hour (TOTAL- AUS $ 216.00. This equals to Tk 16848/00 for 8 Hours in a day) and sometime he does 12 hours getting AUS $ 37.5 per hour at the night shifts. In total he does 22 days of work. Would you believe how much does it make in Bangladesh Currency – Its around Taka 7.5 lacs+. No Exaggerations ; No lies; No big deal. He is paid weekly. His Mob no 0432142237 is forwarded for you to check the veracity of my revelations.
4. In contrast to this, a Security Guard gets “Extremely & Incredibly” less in Bangladesh. A Big Bank pays only Tk. 7,000.00 in the city areas for a guard and Tk. 6,000.00 in the Mufassal towns after 30 days. Some Telecom companies pays not more than Tk. 6,000.00 to some category of guards for a whole month : This money is earned maximum in three (3) hours time in any of the advance countries of the world. Some well wishers advised me not to name the customers specifically for fear of loosing the business ( What a Business-You can just imagine the state of our poor mentality & fear phobia amongst us ! )
5. One may wonder whether. God has given a different ‘Digestive Organ’ to Musa while comparing his one with that of a Bangladeshi security guard. Or else why the difference is ‘SO MUCH’ in their salaries to run the digestive system of two similar human beings. But often you will see these the big Corporates in Bangladesh spending millions & millions in CSR activities, clearly demonstrating contradictions in the society. CSR definitely is commendable but one has to be logical, rational, passionate & kind towards people who does a serious job of protecting & guarding their wealth, properties & sometimes life also.
6. Because of such low salary, the condition of the security guards are most pitiable in our country. You will be devastated to know that the Government formed a Wage Board & set Tk 9000 + as the Minimum wage of a Guard per month. It’s shamefully not even US$ 90 per month. In a recent report a major ‘Daily’ stated that a person requires a minimum of Tk 22000/00 to sustain a family of 2/3 persons. A Security Professional is supposed to be a reasonably educated person with good physique. How will you find out such people while paying them only Tk200+-per day. Indeed it’s an impossible situation. Even a Rickshaw puller gets Tk 25000 to Tk 30000/00 + per month these days.
7. The guarding profession therefore, is becoming extremely unattractive in our country. Our turnover rate is very very high. A guard comes to a Security Company only to pass some time in transit and leaves the job at the first opportunity when he gets another better job. A guard is also socially disregarded in our society and being perennially a poor guy- he is low esteemed.
8. It’s high time for the Government to look into this
Sector more seriously, which has created employment opportunities for 8 lacs rural youths in the country beside being a big job provider to the Ex Armed Forces officers & men. We do an unimaginably marvellous job of replenishing thousands of ATMs through out the country every day & even on holidays. Truly speaking we are doing a tremendous job of supporting & supplementing the other law enforcement agencies in the country. One has to really find out & ponder what are the jobs the Security Companies are not doing. We provide & protect the Embassies, International Organisations, Industries, Power Plants, Garment Factories, Pharmaceuticals, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Office Blocks, Shopping Centres, Apartments, Private Properties & multitude of others.
9. It’s high time the highest authorities (I dare urge the Honourable Prime Mininter) of the country looks into this essential Sector, before we start loosing interest to develop it in quality instead of quantity.

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