1. It was a very hectic day for us. But it was worth to spend the whole half day ( 6.5 hours ) with 50 Male & Female students of the Department of Criminology and Police Science (CPS) along with their two teachers ( Mr. Md. Abdul Kader Miah, Associate Professor, & Ms. Moonmoon Binta Aziz, Associate Professor ).
2. Having visited our Corporate Headquarters, Training Academies 1 & 2, Recruitment Center, K9 Dog Squad, Central Monitoring Center, 24 Hours Service Center, Emergency Response Unit, SMS Alert Cell, R&D & IT Center, CSR Cell – As usual all of them uttered such words as : অভিভূত!, কল্পনার বাইরে!, অসাধারণ!, অসাধারণ!,অবাক পৃথিবী !, অবাক হওয়ার মতো!, কখনো বিশ্বাস করিনি যে, বাংলাদেশে এমন কিছু আছে। এখানে না এলে সবই অজানা থেকে যেত। আপনারা অসম্ভব ভালো l Awesome, Unique, Amazing, Outstanding, Unparalleled, Unimaginable, Incredible & Incomparable & so forth.
3. Tender at heart, all the students said the same thing like “ We never had such educative, exciting, entertaining & joyful experiences in our life. We shall remember this day all through out our life “ No Exaggeration : কোনো অতিরঞ্জন নয়- For veracity & authenticity one may please call Prof Md. Abdul Kader Miah, Cell : 01912-092544 & Prof Ms. Moonmoon Binta Aziz, Cell : 01718-661151 or the Student Team Leader Mr. Shakib Cell : 01834518144.
4. I made the following speech to the students : ( May be of interest to the Industry veterans & professionals )
Bismillah Hir Rahmanir Rahim,
Respected Faculty members & Dear Students of MBSTU.
1. Welcome to Elite Force the largest Private Security Company in Bangladesh. We are very happy to have such a large number of students, visiting us today from the Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU). We have lot of things to convey to you regarding the Private Security Services Industry / Companies in Bangladesh. You will be happy to know that presently there are 800 ++ Security Companies in the country employing more than 8 lacs rural youths from the remote areas of the country. We have also created job opportunities for the Ex-Armed, Police and Ansars personnel in the country.
2. Here I would very briefly touch upon the history & birth of the Private Security Services / Industry in Bangladesh. It was one Late Group Captain Taher Quddus (Retd) who in a formal way introduced a company by the name Securex in the late 80s as private security services provider. This company is considered as the Pioneer along with 2/3 others, who started giving uniformed personnel as security guards, replacing the age old Darwan concept in our country. SECUREX also started the Cash in Transit (CIT) operation for first time in the year 1988, which has turned into a massive operation now in the country.
3. From the number of persons employed (8 lac + -) by the Security Companies you may wonder as to where are these people located or employed. Well, you have to find out where or which sectors are not guarded by the Private Security Companies in the country today. From the US Embassy to hundred of Garments, Industries, Power Plants, Educational Institutions Offices, Apartments and many many others – every where the security guards are doing a great job. They greatly supplement the efforts of the law enforcing agencies in the country. Some of the leading security companies specialises in jobs like Investigation; Emergency Evacuation; Sea-Riverine Patrol; Remote Area Operations, and involved in Critical Operations. Govt enacted Private Security Services Act in the year 2006-07 to regulate the activities of the Private Security Company in the country.
4. We are also doing a great job of CIT (Cash in-Transit) in the country. You will be amazed to know that daily we transit over 2500 crores taka between the bank branches and 10000 ATMS in the country. For this around 400+ vehicles are used by them. It’s a massive undertaking, all a private affair using our own resources, manpower etc. No government assistance has been sought so far.
5. Beside the above Elite Force has specialisation in two distinct sectors – that is we have a Full-fledged Dog Squad having more then 50+ Dogs doing jobs like Searching; Sniffing; Guarding; Attacking & Patrolling. Our Dog are also great entertainers. Even RAB & others have praised our Dog’s abilities in high words. Elite Force does some specialised job of foreigners handing frequently and we get good money by renting specially modified vehicle, a good driver and a Body Guard – we call Executive Protection / Close Protection agent. We are also in the Event Management Security in a big way, providing special Security Personnel for Protection & Protocol duties.
6. You will be happy if I may mention the names of our multinational and international clients like : Google, Facebook, Meta, Netflix, CNN, IKEA, Siemens, Deloitte, PWC, Standard Chartered Bank, Citi Bank NA, Woori Bank, Telenor, icddr’b, Grameenphone, Banglalink, Robi, Ever Care Hospital (Ex-Apollo Hospital), Philips, Pinkerton, Crisis-24 etc.
7. Recent great achievements of Elite Force worth sharing with you which happened in the last two months are : We took over the responsibilities of Guarding the very large Saudi Embassy at Baridhara J Block. from 01 March 2023 in Baridhara; We will take over the guarding of the Kuwait Embassy from 01 April 2023; We will also take over the Japanese Embassy & the Japanese School very soon. We are also guarding the French School from 01, January 2023. We have taken over the British Council Examinations through out the country recently. We have also taken over the responsibilities of guarding the German Cultural Centre ( Gothe Institute )& their examinations recently. Active negotiations are taking place to take over the Indian Cultural Center.
8. Earlier we took over the guarding responsibilities of the Special Japanese Economic Zone at Arihazar, after inauguration by the Honourable Prime Minister in December 2022. It came in the wake of a Joint Venture between Elite Force & Alsok a Japanese security company, the 4th Largest in the world. We will also take over the guarding of Grameen Bank newly constructed Head Office from 01 April 2023. Alhamdulliah for all these milestone achievements.
9. The most important thing about Elite Force is our Devotion, Dedication & Commitments to the Private Security Services in the country. We have created some of the “State of the Art” infrastructures for developing quality services in the country. We have two big Training Academies; We have a Separate Recruitment Centre and our Digitalised Headquarters a 7 storied building – are all marvelous features striving in attaining ‘Excellence’ in the delivery of services. We will take you around to all these infrastructures for you to understand how we are training and preparing raw village boys for a specialised job like the Security Services !
10. So far we have spoken about the good sides of the Security Industry – the ‘Negative’ sides are firstly the Security Industry is not attractive to the youths in general. It is because of low paid – and a job which is socially disregarded & low esteemed. You will be shocked and sad to know that the big sectors like Banks & Telecom operators pays as low as 5000 (+-) for a Security Guard as salary for the whole month. In contrast Private Security Industry is one of the most vibrant industry and an essential sector in the advance world. A normal security guard gets US$ 15-20 per hour at the least, which rises around 50 + – per hour. A Gunman in our Country is paid only US$ 200.00 + – for the whole month, where a Gunman in the USA earns at the least 30 dollars per hour which could rise up to US$ 90.00 per hour. With such glaring differences in the Service Charges the Private Security Services is not really that efficient in our country in most cases : It’s all because we can not afford investment in Training & Motivation of our personnels.
11. Actually, Private Security Industry got speed & momentum after the attack on the World Trade Centre in the year Sept 2001, if you remember. It is a Robust business now in the advance world as already mentioned – in contrast to Bangladesh it is not even a ‘Peanut’ that we are paid for our services. We urge & pray to our clients to change their narrow attitude towards the guarding companies and raise their Remuneration up to a level to survive somehow. Let see what happens ! Hope they will realise the “Invaluable” services we are rendering to the nation.
12. Thanks to all of you for visiting us today. We feel really honoured. We will now take you for a walking tour of this building the Corporate Headquarters, which interestingly was termed as the ‘Mini Pentagon’ of Bangladesh by one retired US Colonel, who visited us around 12 years back.
13. As you visit our establishments, please have little patience. The Guards are very poor & marginal people of our country coming for the remotest corners of Bangladesh. They are keenly waiting to show you a Passing Out Parade in the Training Academy, which has turned into an Excellent Ceremony very much liked by our visitors. You will see our Class Rooms which are very well decorated and some are even having Air conditioners.
14. Little fun : Seeing you are delaying our DOGS have become restless & have been sending me several SMSs to know your locations. They are feeling hungry, but waiting to first show you their skills, ferociousness & some entertaining items . You will see some of the spectacular Fire- Jumps by them and how they “Tear into Pieces” a Hijacker who once tried to snatch money carried by a member of our Cash Carrying Team. You will also see our Cultural Team singing & dancing – one of them will dance may be better than the late Michael Jackson. You will also see High velocity Lathi – Dance and also Snake Dance : All the Snakes dies and a ‘Snake Bitten’ guy jumps back into life. Believe me these are all performed by our guards.
15. Inshallah you will like all our presentations & submissions today. Lets now get going. Thanks again for your presence today. Allah- Hafez.

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