1. Look at the soldier turned politician still in deep love with his ‘Roots’. I only felt home & good to see him wearing the vest with the ‘Army’ displayed prominently.
2. The ‘Colonel’ now one of the most powerful Central Committee Members of the ruling party was too courteous to see his original Pakistan Military Academy Senior – Me the Second Termer – and Him the First Termer. We first met in May 1969, when he joined in the 44th PMA Long Course as Gentleman Cadet. I was then a mighty Second Termer from the 43rd Long Course. As people know – I never gave love to him or any one joining the Military Academy as Cadet, instead I always played ‘Hell’ with the ‘Shitty Juniors’. Every time trying to take revenge of the ‘Horrific – Terrorised’ previous 6 months – that we / I spent as First Termers in the Academy. So ‘Revenge’ was always tforemost in my mind.
3. There were more of ‘Soldierly Attributes’ – the Colonel-Politician still possessed when I visited him in the CMH yesterday. He ensured that, I take one photo by sitting beside him, telling me that, if I am seen standing behind him, while he is seen sitting, that would give wrong signal to the people – that he was no more Military or have lost the ‘Military Fabric’.
4. ‘Great Soldier’ He is – Lets pray for the ‘Great Soul’. He is recovering from a minor stroke. Most / all doctors both from home & abroad said, he was OKAY – and needs no treatment abroad. Alhamdulillah.

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